Slade Alive!


Slade Alive!
  Год выпуска  
  #       Название       Моя оценка       Время       Битрейт       Размер файла  
  1       Hear Me Calling               5:45                  
  2       In Like a Shot From My Gun               3:33                  
  3       Darling Be Home Soon               5:43                  
  4       Know Who You Are               3:37                  
  5       Keep on Rocking               6:29                  
  6       Get Down with It               5:33                  
  7       Born to Be Wild               8:13                  

  Автор обзора: Stephen Cook  

Before the hits really starting coming, Slade showed why they were one of England's best live acts with this fevered concert recording from 1972. Set alight by plenty of stomping beats, lumbering bass, fat guitars, and Noddy Holder's hoarse vocal scream, Slade Alive! finds the lads from Wolverhampton goading on their rabid fans at every juncture ("Wan ya ta really let loose on iss one"). In return, the crowd's handclap choruses and drunken exhortations fire up the band, inspiring them to take pub rock to glam proportions ("In Like a Shot From My Gun"), make a fine mess out of a Steppenwolf classic ("Born to Be Wild"), and add a bit of feedback to John Sebastian's folk-pop ("Darling Be Home Soon"). Plus, hits like the MC5-esque "Know Who You Are" and retro-rocker "Get Down Get With It" are given proper live workouts.

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